
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Migrating Plug-in Configuration when updating Eclipse Release

I just downloaded the latest Eclipse Juno Release with the latest fixes etc. But how to migrate my plugins from my "old" Eclipse to the "new" one?

1. Export

First, you must export your plug-ins from your "old" Eclipse installation as follows:
1.0 Start your "old" Eclipse instance
1.1 Package explorer, right mouse click, choose Export

1.2 Choose Install: Installed Software Items to File

1.3 Select All and export to p2f file (remember the file path, as you will import this file into your "new" Eclipse instance)

2. Import

After exporting, you must import the exported p2f file to your "new" Eclipse installation as follows:
2.0 Shutdown the "old" Eclipse instance if you want to use the same workspace as used for the export and start your "new" Eclipse instance
2.1 Package explorer, right mouse click, choose Import

2.2 Choose Install: Install Software Items from File

2.3 Select your exported p2f file (see step 1.3 above)
2.4 Select All and Finish

That's it. Let me know if this was helpful!