
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Setup AppDynamics for FUSE ESB / Apache ServiceMix in 5 Minutes

AppDynamics  is a powerful tool for the analysis of distributed Java and .NET applications. As it has only low overhead costs (according to the vendor < 2%), it can also be used in production environments.

I use JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 on MacOS. But the setup is similar on other operation systems.
Follow theses steps:
  1. Download AppDynamics Lite Java version from Name and E-Mail address must be provided (and normally you will be contacted by the vendor...).
  2. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file to your desired installation directory :
    unzip -d <APP_DYNAMICS_HOME>
  3. Go to the installation directory:
        cd <APP_DYNAMICS_HOME>
  4. Unzip the viewer package:
  5. Enter the viewer directory:
        cd LiteViewer
  6. Start the viewer:
        java -jar adlite-viewer.jar
  7. Open URL http://localhost:8990/ with your browser. Default user is admin with password admin. You see an empty dashboard.
  8. If you monitor an OSGI runtime with AppDynamics you have to extend the boot delegation parameter of FUSE ESB. SSee for further explanations. As I use Felix, I have to add com.singularity.* to the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property. For easier upgrade of FUSE ESB, I do not edit /etc/ but /etc/ It is important that you don't forget to add all default values. And of course these values may change if you upgrade your FUSE ESB installation. Finally, I add following line to /etc/
    If your are not sure which OSGI framework you use, you can query your configuration in your Karaf console with
  9. Configure AppDynamics agent for FUSE ESB. E.g., set $KARAF_OPTION in your shell:
        export KARAF_OPTS="$KARAF_OPTS -javaagent:<APP_DYNAMICS_HOME>/javaagent.jar"
    Or alternatively, add following statement to your start script /bin/karaf:
        KARAF_OPTS="$KARAF_OPTS -javaagent:<APP_DYNAMICS_HOME>/javaagent.jar"
  10. Start your FUSE ESB (in the same shell where you set $KARAF_OPTIONS):
        cd <FUSE_ESB_HOME>/bin/fuse
  11. Create some traffic on your FUSE ESB, e.g. invoke a web service etc.
  12. Go back to your AppDynamics viewer browser window at http://localhost:8990/ and you should see some business transactions.

  13. Finito.

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